Designing A Safe Catering Environment
It’s been a year like no other with many foodservice providers having to dramatically change the way they work to stay safe. With new measures from the government being enforced this year, commercial kitchens have not only had to cease trading for some months, but also change their daily routines to keep both staff and customers safe.
To ensure your kitchen, front of house and dining areas are as safe as possible, now is the time to start thinking about the long term. How can you design a safe catering environment which not only keeps business running smoothly, but also helps staff and customers to feel at ease when dining in or taking food away? Here are just some of the things you should keep in mind for a COVID-safe environment, as well as for general safety too.
Equipment upgrades and maintenance
So many kitchens have been closed for long periods of time this year, so to ensure you continue to provide quality food and service, you may need to consider new equipment. Research the best catering equipment for your establishment and upgrade your kitchens if needed. Take a look at our range of combi oven and refrigeration products for a little inspiration!
However, if you’re not at a stage where you can do so, there are other options to keep your equipment going. If you’re happy with your current equipment set up, having a service/maintenance check is essential to ensure everything is running smoothly. No matter how old your equipment is, a check can identify any potential fault risks or early component breakdown. More information about our Service and Maintenance can be found on our website.
Invest in hygiene products
It’s now compulsory to have sanitising stations in your establishment for both staff and customers, but it’s also crucial that you thoroughly deep clean all your equipment and surfaces after use. Ensure you stock up on sanitiser and cleaning products, and that you have a clear cleaning rota in between customers or at certain times of the day. Keeping on top of a cleaning schedule will help to prevent any further spread of COVID-19 and will only enhance general cleaning processes you should already have in place.
Waste management
Reviewing your current waste management process should also be a top priority when designing a safe catering environment. For generic kitchen safety, all waste should be disposed of in a timely manner. Food waste should be removed from preparation areas and equipment at regular intervals. Waste should also be stored safely until it is taken away. It’s also important to ensure any PPE is disposed of properly after use (if disposable) or washed after each use.
Layout and distancing
With social distancing rules in place for the entirety of the UK, you must now ensure your establishment abides by these guidelines. Creating one way systems or enforcing stricter measures which prevent diners from moving around, for example, will help to maintain a safer environment. If you can, organise dining areas with greater spaces in between tables, and use signs and arrows to ensure customers understand your new rules.
Design a safe catering environment with Swift
Here at Swift, we know exactly what makes a great, safe working environment for staff, and how to ensure all customers feel safe and comfortable. If you’re in need of our expertise in the design and installation of catering equipment for your commercial kitchen, or your equipment needs an up to date service/maintenance check, then get in touch with the team today by calling 0121 505 4001. We’re always happy to help!